Toni’s research website

Hi there! My name is Antonio Tejero-de-Pablos, and I am a researcher in computer vision. In particular, I am interested in learning from multidomain-multimodal data. That is, data from different modalities (visual, audio, text, etc.) that comes from different sources (advertisement, comics, medical, etc.). This is a very complex and challenging problem in computer vision, which motivates me to follow this line of research.

I currently work at the Cyber Agent’s AI Lab, as a member of the Media Fundamentals Team.


  • 2023/12/22: CCSE2023, CyberAgent AI Lab’s research conference for companies, was a success! I help facilitating collaboration talks among companies and the keynote speech (link)
  • 2023/12/19: I presented our AI Lab’s research to 25 university students in a company visit organized by IEEE Young Professionals (link)
  • 2023/12/01: My research for preventing multimodal overfitting was accepted as a poster presentation at WACV2024 in Hawaii! (link)
  • 2023/11/25: In the annual meeting of Spanish researchers in Japan, I participated in a panel discussion about Spanish-Japan research collaborations, and presented about my research in heterogeneous data learning (link)
  • 2023/08/19: I helped teaching programming to kids in a class organized by IEEE Young Professionals (link)
  • 2023/07/25: My research about multimodal learning was accepted as a highlight oral presentation at MIRU2023 in Hamamatsu! (link)
  • 2023/07/07: I participated in a joint event between the Association of Spanish Researchers in Japan and the Cervantes Institute to connect research in AI between Japan and Spain.(link)

Navigating the website

  • Contact: You can find me on LinkedIn and Google Scholar (Twitter coming soon?).
  • Publications: A list of my peer-reviewed publications.
  • Blog posts: A list of the blog posts I wrote for the AI lab’s blog.
  • Talks: Presentations about my research, working in Japan, etc.
  • Teaching: Workshops, study groups and my experience working at a university lab.
  • CV: Education, work experience, awards, and a compilation of the items above.
  • Portfolio: Media appearances and other miscellaneous items.